DU is a private university committed to the public good. To that end, the Center for Community Engagement to advance Scholarship and Learning is dedicated to enabling faculty and students to engage in meaningful relationships with community partners that fosters collaborative projects in research and engaged learning.
Resources for Community engaged scholarship
Center for Community Engagement to advance Scholarship and Learning (CCESL) at University of Denver: General resources on community engaged scholarship and learning.
DU Scholar Shop: A description of the Scholar Shop program and a list of community partners who have expressed interest in working with DU faculty and students on important issues.
Metro Denver Nature Alliance: A growing coalition of non-profit, government, research, and private sector partners seeking to align nature-based efforts to ensure more equitable access to nature and to promote healthy people, communities, and natural places. This organization was started a by DU Law Professor and the member organizations are very receptive to student engagement for work on projects that meet their mission. Metro DNA is a member of the DU Grand Challenges Sustainability in an Urban Context Cohort (see the CCESL site for more details).